smile on my dial

Friday, July 23, 2010

being a little bit busy for the next couple months means that i won't be able to blog as much. i've pulled a few from the archives - these are some of the things that put a smile on my dial. my morning cup of tea! baking! (and taking pictures of the baking) friendly dogs! and logs of wood! i hope you are having a pleasant winter (or summer) and i will hopefully have more to show you when i shoot..wait for it..a wedding!

my morning cup of tea

melting moments

hey there

it's winter


amymom24 said...

Aimee, you are so talented! Love your photography:) Can't wait to see those wedding photos!

and flowers pick themselves said...

so lovely + inspiring!

xo Alison

katie lauren said...

hello love! yes have noticed you are a bit absent from the blogging world these days :)
look forward to the wedding pictures - i'm so excited for you x

OneCraftyFox said...

Lovely images!!